Friday, July 15, 2011

When trying to rise to the occasion, it helps to get out of bed. Oof.

Things I do each day:

- eat
- study
- procrastinate
- eat
- abuse caffeine
- fret about procrastination
- eat
- try to stop worrying about impending doom
- go to the gym so the eating can continue unabated
- resume studying/procrastinating/eating/fretting/doom

The sort of thing that gets me excited these days? This bad boy became mine today:

I'm going to study in bed all the time now, you guys. I mean, for at least another week or so. Then I'm going to read in bed for pleasure like a real live person with hobbies and joie de vivre. PLUS my new darling toy came courtesy of some coworkers who gifted me a Barnes and Noble giftcard when I left to go to law school. Three years ago. Sometimes I hang on to things until they can be truly useful.

A fellow recent law grad aptly ranted on facebook a few weeks ago that anyone who has a job lined up for after the bar can just shut the fuck up, so I feel like I still have permission to whine that studying for the bar is MISERABLE. But I am fitter than I may have ever been in my adult life because of all this mad gym action. And I'm in this misery with some very close and wonderful friends. And this one amazing man gives me heaps of attention and treats. And my superhero mom already helped me make huge headway in the battle that is moving apartments. AND ALSO LEST WE OVERLOOK GOOD FORTUNE, a second interview next week for a job that I think I could really be good at and also might enjoy. Is it a jinx to announce that sort of thing when there's always the very real and near possibility that it will fall through in short shrift? Maybe. But I'm going to keep it on the list of things to be thankful for, even if it doesn't materialize. Good things, keep coming to me. Motivation to study my ass off immediately would be good, universe. Right after I fix some macaroni and cheese. Kisses.

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