Saturday, February 5, 2011

A shitload of suffering is what I'm saying. (Also Days 1, 2, & 3 South Island)

Did you ever see the movie 500 Days of Summer? You should. Most women I know love it because Tom is so darling and uncharacteristically emotional for a man, and most men I know hate it because they are scared to death of ever falling for a woman like Summer. I just netflixed it, and I'm seeing it for the first time since the theater. Love it.

[Edit: Michael, the last time we talked about this film, I sort of allowed you to be all down on Summer, but to be honest, I hadn't seen the movie in ages. After watching it twice in the last couple of days, I would like to argue with you (and the many dudes I know that agree with you) about your reactionary views of this movie. Okay I'm done.]

Anyhow. Jesse and I decided to rent a campervan to tour the south island after finals. We had some friends in the travel industry that gave us a good deal, and we hired the van for two weeks. Jesse was an amazing planner and had a good week and a half all planned out, and then we sort of left the last leg unplanned in case plans needed to change. We flew from Auckland to Christchurch to pick up the van, and then our first stop was Kaikoura. We had a big coastal hike on some high rock faces, saw a farmer herding sheep down a street, found a sweet free camping spot, threw the frisbee for a while, played charades after dinner, watched the full moon rise on some railroad tracks, witnessed the stars twinkling their asses off, and hiked to a spot where baby seals play underneath a waterfall.

sweet campsite
morning view from our first freedom campsite

seal pup just kickin' it


one lookout in Kaikoura


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