Friday, August 6, 2010

no means no

The other night we had a girls night planned. Pizza and beer was the plan of action, of course. And girls night turned into meeting up with friends which turned into seeing a band which turned into meeting up with more friends. Anyhow, four changes of venue later, I was given a hilarious compliment/slam combo that I only just remembered today. A kiwi friend-of-a-friend-of-a-friend told me that I was a photographer's dream because my face and eyes are so expressive. Naturally I blushed faster than you can snap your fingers, but he followed it up with this little gem: "Well not quite a photographer's dream because you're so stubborn." I'm apparently easy to size up, eh? I'm pretty sure that whatever I was refusing to do that made him think I was obstinate was probably something I was happy I didn't do the next day. I think I'll just hang on to the "photographer's dream" bit of that one. Here's a sweet one from that night.

1 comment:

  1. Mia Birdie - I absolutely love you. Your blog is hilarious, and I can't imagine anyone more deserving of such a fabulous adventure. Enjoy every single second (seems you've got that covered) and have a few flat whites and some Savvy B straight from the source for me!!
