Saturday, April 23, 2011

Today will probably not wind up in my memoirs

-spent two hours at the gym
-ate a lot of leftover pizza, you know, to get rid of the temptation
-procrastinated on a writing assignment
-worried about the procrastination
-comforted myself that I'd get everything done
-discovered a cracked netflix dvd in the mail because mailman apparently got pissed that I didn't pick up my mail for a whole day and jammed today's mail in on top
-dragged myself into school to try to focus
-ate an orange pepper and some snap peas to compensate for the pizza
-spent most of the time at school staring at a squirrel working on her nest outside the window
-checked the forecast and decided I'd better walk home before the storm came
-watched Notting Hill for background noise while working/procrastinating
-cleaned my laptop screen and keyboard with alcohol and qtips
-ate more pizza
-wrote a few sentences on the paper, which is good enough for today

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