Friday, July 16, 2010

Wherein my sleep schedule gets wrecked

Thursday was the “bad taste” party at Globe Bar. Taz, Jesse, and I had gone to an orientation event hosted by a travel company earlier in the day, and both Taz and I won prizes at the seminar. Taz won a ferry trip I think, and I won a coupon for 2-for-1 bungee jumping. But the big prizes were going to be given away for bad costumes at the bar in the evening. Jesse and I got together a bunch of goofy accessories and looked a little like deranged aerobics instructors, but Taz bought a cow suit at the costume shop and won third prize, which was a ski trip.

I think we finally left the bar at 3 after dancing our asses off for several hours, and walking down the main street in the city, a man was walking uncomfortably close to us. A new kiwi friend of ours was with us, and though he seemed nonplussed, I quickly noticed the guy sidling up next to us. He tossed a small suitcase a couple of yards ahead of us and said, “I hope there’s not a bomb in there,” and headed into a McDonald’s. I guess there are crazy people everywhere.

After sleeping for just a couple of hours, we had to get up at 7am in order to register for a trip the orientation office offers. Next Saturday we’ll get to go to a working farm for tours and a BBQ lunch. I hope I get to shear a sheep. The orientation team plans lots of events, but obviously the numbers are limited when the events involve being bussed out to a farm outside of the city. They set certain days and times when you have to register for events by email, and even if you stayed up until 4am, you still have to drag out of bed at 7 in order to get to shear some sheep. And if you don’t have internet at home, you have to drag out of bed and go up to school to be able to email.

After breakfast the three of us headed out to grab a tour bus operated by another travel company. Of course it was pouring down rain on the day we were going to go sightseeing after the weather had been sunny and warm and perfect for about four days. But this time of year, I knew four straight days of gorgeous weather was pushing it. The bus tour was still fun since our tour guide had that typical kiwi easy sense of wicked humor, and they said they’d let us do it again whenever we wanted since we couldn’t exactly get the good views and we didn’t get the harbour bridge climb that was supposed to be part of the day.

sightseeing on a rainy day is awesome

I woke up this morning at 3:30am and went to do laundry. I know that sounds crazy, but when you figure that I stayed up until 4:30am and went "sightseeing" after two and a half hours of sleep, it makes more sense that I fell asleep at 5:30pm. Hence the waking up at 3:30am. Jesse and I are going to go to a famous pub tonight with the tour guide from yesterday to watch the All Blacks (hopefully) spank the Springboks again. It pays to be friendly.

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